The project was begun in 2007 and has already shown some exciting results:
Firstly the results proved several links on ROWBERRY Tree One which were only suggested, but not proven, by documentary evidence.
Secondly the tests for a RUBERY cousin and a GUMMERY cousin on the ROWBERRY alias GOMERY Tree confirmed that this tree was correct, as researched from documentary evidence, but still looking rather odd.
Thirdly the ROWBERRY of Lugwardine Tree has also been linked to the ROWBERRY alias GOMERY Tree, so becoming ROWBERRY Tree Five.
Fourthly, and quite surprisingly given the geographic separation of the two families since the mid-1600s, the RUBERRY Family of Cornwall Tree is another branch of ROWBERRY Tree Two.
Fifthly, we now have some Family Finder and mtDNA results, shown below the main table of results.
Sixthly we have had three people who have joined the ROWBERRY yDNA Project as they have similar results, although so far we have not found the link between them and the R Tree involved.
At the moment there are only single results for all the other trees (except ROWBERRY Tree Three where one is descended from a known illegitimate birth) - a second test is required to establish if this is the true result for these trees.
Some trees have not been tested at all yet.
As you can see there is a long way to go and we need your help! If you would like to assist then please email me via the link below for further details.
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If you have any queries please click here to email me: Polly Rubery.

Last revised: 3rd May 2016
© Polly Rubery 2000-2016